Make case studies about your customers, not about you
Nobody outside your company, except the analysts who follow you, wants to read about your product’s “success story”. What they want to read is a story about a customer, just like them, who had success. The fact that it was your product they had success with is incidental, not central, to the story.
Knowing this difference and how to craft a case study around it makes all the difference. If you want the case study you are paying good money to produce to have impact, be read, be referenced and shared, mention your product only in passing. Write about the customer’s experience: the problem, the hassles, getting the solution up and running and the happily-ever-after: how the solution solved the problem, cut costs and/or buffed revenue. In other words, write something that readers can identify and empathize with. Write to and for them. Anything less is prescription-free Ambien.